benefits of saying la ilaha illallah 100 times

Itis narrated that a person who says "La ilaha illah" will be given the glad tiding of Paradise. Therefore, people of tariqah and tasawwuf (sufism) try to say it throughout their lives.However, no deed is a reason for Paradise. Paradise is of Allah's grace; it is based on His consent. It is important whether deeds are done sincerely or not. Benefitsof La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu Minaz Zalimin The dua's short form outlines the notion of Tawheed which is among the most fundamental concepts of Islam. You are deliberately and intentionally affirming the fact that Allah () truly is Allah () the only god that is the most elevated by reciting this prayer. Lastupdated on September 14th, 2020, - by Al Imran - 8 Comments. There is a lovely Hadith that The Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever says: there is no God but ALLAH enters Paradise. How easy for us to say this. But we should also feel it by heart before saying La Ilaha IllALLAH. Thismeans that we say, "o lord," and pull away from carnal desires, that we do not become a worshipper of the ego; from this video you will see amazaing miracle of reading la ilaha illallahul malikul haqqul mubin 100 times daily and also seeing benefits of . Islamic wallpapers,islamic knowledge,quotes,urdu articles contoh surat gugatan cerai suami ke istri.

benefits of saying la ilaha illallah 100 times